Efficient Systems for Coal Processing plants and other bulk materials

June 13, 2014

By:  Raymond Perr, P.E.

What would it mean to your company if we could increase the efficiency of your coal preparation plant by just one percent?  

Hypothetically, if your plant was producing a thousand ton an hour and it saved just one percent, that would amount to ten ton an hour.  Now, ten ton an hour times $100 a ton for coal would be a $1,000 an hour, and $1,000 an hour at the end of the day, month or year becomes quite a big check!

You might already know that INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES provides state-of-the-art bulk material handling systems and coal processing plants for our customers.

However, did you know that we can also help customers with a need to move any type of material that requires a conveyor?  Materials such as:  

  • Salt
  • Grain
  • Minerals


Conveyors can be more economical for moving bulk materials for large tonnage application.  INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES can help develop budget costs for long conveyors to help with the  evaluation to determine if there are economics in building a conveyor for your application.

Transportation by conveyor, even though it may be five, six or even 10 miles, rather than a truck or mobile piece of equipment, cuts costs significantly.  

For more than 65 years, INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES has designed and constructed material handling facilities ranging from 150 tons per hour to 4,500 tons per hour.  INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES recently completed a 10,000 ton per hour conveyor at a coal mine and processing facility in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

We use the latest technology in conveyors for all your material processing needs.

Each project is custom-designed, fabricated and constructed, and each turn-key solution includes:

  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Process Technology
  • Electrical

At the end of the day, our customers get what they want for a price they are willing to pay.  Click here to download a free case study on bulk material handling!  

