How much will it cost to build a new coal preparation plant?

April 4, 2014

HOW MUCH will it cost to build an new coal preparation plant?  –  HOW LONG will it take?

By: Raymond Perr P. E.

How often have you been asked “How much will it cost to build?” and “How long will it take?

In the coal industry these are often the first questions asked when management is considering a new coal preparation plant or other major capital project.

Understandably, they are important questions that need to be answered, often to support the overall economic evaluation of the entire mining project, but should they be at the top of the list?

What other questions should be answered first and who should be involved in developing the answers to these types of questions.

Real answers to these questions require that preliminary flow sheets and conceptual facility layout be developed to gain an understanding of the scope of the project.

Experience is what it is all about when it comes to this type of engineering. Although these types of documents look very general, it is essential the information is based on a deep understanding of how everything needs to function to make all the part fit together, be cost effective, and operate efficiently.

Because Industrial Resources and their engineers, project managers, schedulers and constructors have been designing and building these types of projects for over 60 years, we have what it takes.

The next time someone asks “How Much” or “How Long,” Industrial Resource has the deep experience to work with you to develop good solid answers.